samedi 2 juillet 2011

Garlic Purée on grill bread for a nice summery aperitif …

Garlic Purée on toasted bread for a nice summery aperitif …

Preparation : 5 mn
Cooking time : 30 mn

Ingredients (for 4 people) :

- 1 Head of Purple garlic from Cadours
- 1 desert spoon of olive oil
- A good pinch of salt

Preparation :

- Untie the garlic cloves and rub them in your hand to remove the loose skin but don’t peel them.

- Boil 50 cl of water (slightly salted) and throw the cloves into it. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes (actual cooking time varies according to the size of garlic).

- When the cloves are tender, peel them being sure to remove the brown part (part where the clove is attached to the head).

- Mash the garlic with a fork, add olive oil (I prefer homemade chilli oil) and salt, stirring to a smooth and homogenous paste. Spread warm or cold onto toasted bread.

Bon appétit!